Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) 

The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) of Sadhan Chandra Mahavidyalaya is an essential body constituted to address and resolve issues related to sexual harassment at the workplace. The ICC is committed to creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all students, faculty, and staff members, ensuring compliance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. Through continuous awareness, education, and stringent enforcement of policies, the ICC fosters a culture of respect and equality within the institution.

Moto of Internal Complaints Cell:

  • Prevent Sexual Harassment: To prevent incidents of sexual harassment through awareness and sensitization programs.
  • Provide Redressal: To provide a confidential and effective redressal mechanism for complaints of sexual harassment.
  • Ensure Safety: To ensure the safety and dignity of all members of the college community.
  • Promote Awareness: To educate stakeholders about their rights and the procedures for reporting sexual harassment.

Structure of Internal Complaints Cell: The ICC comprises members from different sections of the college community, including faculty, staff, and external members, ensuring a fair and impartial approach to handling complaints. The ICC at Sadhan Chandra Mahavidyalaya comprises the following members:

  1. Nodal Officer:
    • Dr. Aparna Bandyopadhyay (Associate Professor, Department of History, Diamond Harbour Women’s University)
  2. Faculty Members:
    • Shabana Yasmin (Teacher Representative, Department of Education)
    • Dipannita Datta (Teacher Representative, Department of Philosophy)
  3. Non-teaching Staff Representative:
    • Anath Taran Mondal
  4. External Expert:
    • Dr. Madhumita Majumdar (Department of English, Diamond Harbour Women’s University)
  5. NGO Representative:
    • Shampa Sengupta (Sruti Disability Rights Centre)
  6. Student Representatives:
    • Susmita Naskar
    • Sonali Mondal
    • Taniya Mondal

Activities and Initiatives:

  • Awareness Programs: Conduct workshops, seminars, and campaigns to educate the college community about sexual harassment and the redressal process.
  • Training Sessions: Organize training sessions for ICC members on handling complaints and conducting inquiries.
  • Support Services: Provide counseling and support services for victims of sexual harassment.
  • Policy Development: Develop and update policies related to the prevention and redressal of sexual harassment.

Reporting Mechanism:

  • Online Portal: An online platform for submitting complaints confidentially and tracking their status. Click to Report
  • Email: Official email address:
  • Drop Boxes: Confidential drop boxes located at the College premises. Download offline Form
  • Direct Reporting: Individuals can directly approach any member of the ICC to report incidents.